Trainers & Speakers | Pharmacogenomics


PharmGenEd™ prepares a shared curriculum, open-access educational materials to train future healthcare practitioners about the various pharmacogenomics tests and their applications to clinical practice. PharmGenEd™ uses a "Train-the-Trainer" approach to disseminate educational materials to faculty from health professional schools in the U.S. The PharmGenEd™ materials can be used by trained faculty for students in the classroom. We openly share the materials with others at no cost; however, please acknowledge authors and the PharmGenEd team when you use these materials.

To gain access to the educational materials, faculty at health professional schools need to:

  1. Register on the PharmGenEd™ website (if you have not already done so) and agree to the End-User Licensing Agreement
  2. Agree to disseminate educational materials by giving appropriate acknowledgement to the PharmGenEd™ team and authors of each module
  3. E-mail PharmGenEd™ staff the following information to verify your position and the purpose for your request:
    • Your name
    • Your faculty position title
    • Your academic institution
    • Your institution's web-link to your profile
    • The title of each individual module you are interested in
    • The syllabus for the course in which you will use our materials
  4. Upon approval by the PharmGenEd team, you will receive a confirmation email regarding access. By gaining trainer access, you also agree to complete a trainer survey regarding modules you have access to.

    Questions? E-mail us at