Resources | Pharmacogenomics


  1. Publications
  2. Recommendations for Drug Dosing
  3. Links to Pharmacogenomics Resources and Training Programs
  4. Links to Other Genomic Websites

Publications (Journal Articles and Book Chapters):

  1. Lee KC, Ma JD, Kuo GM. Pharmacogenomics: Bridging the gap between science and practice. Pharmacy Today. 2009(Dec);15(12):36–48 and J. Am Pharm Assoc. 2010;50:e1–e17.
  2. Murphy JE, Green JS, Adams LA, Squire RB, Kuo GM, McKay A. Pharmacogenomics in the curricula of colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010 Feb 10;74(1):Article 7:1-10.  
  3. Ma JD, Lee KC, Kuo GM. HLA-B*5701 testing to predict abacavir hypersensitivity. PLoS Curr. 2010 Dec 7;2:RRN1203.
  4. Kuo GM, Ma JD, Lee KC, Bourne PE. Telemedicine, Genomics and Personalized Medicine: Synergies and Challenges. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. 2011(9); 6-13.
  5. Kuo GM, Ma JD, Lee KC, Halpert JR. Bourne PE, Ganiats TG, Taylor P. Institutional Profile: University of California San Diego Pharmacogenomics Education Program (PharmGenEd™): bridging the gap between science and practice. Pharmacogenomics. 2011 Feb; 12(2):149-53.  
  6. Ma JD, Lee KC, Kuo GM. Clinical application of pharmacogenomics. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2012;25(4):417-27
  7. Kuo GM, Lee KC, Ma JD. Pharmacogenomics in pharmacy practice. In Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy. Beringer P, Marderosian AD, Felton L, Gelone S, Gennaro AR, Gupta PK, Hoover JE, Popovich NG, Reilly WJ, Hendrickson R, Eds. 22nd Edition, London, UK, Pharmaceutical Press. 2012.
  8. Kuo GM. Pharmacogenomics, Diagnostics & Evaluation – the Pharmacist’s Role. California Pharmacist. 2012;(Summer):11.
  9. Gustafson-Brown C. Pharmacogenomic testing technology in currently available test kits. California Pharmacist. 2012; LIX(No.3).
  10. Mendes M. Overview Update of Pharmacogenomics and Disease Genetic Testing. California Pharmacist. 2012; (Summer)12-16. [Guest Editor: Kuo GM]
  11. McBane S, Painter N, Ballard C. Pharmacogenomic testing in an HIV clinic. California Pharmacist. 2012; LIX(No.3).
  12. Mendes M, Painter N. Pharmacogenomic Testing at the VA San Diego Healthcare System. California Pharmacist. 2012; LIX(No.3).
  13. Lee KC, Ma JD, Hudmon KS, Kuo GM. A Train-the-Trainer Approach for a Shared Pharmacogenomics Curriculum for US Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012;76(10). Article 193:1-8.
  14. Feero WG, Kuo GM, Jenkins JF, Rackover MA. Pharmacist Education in the Era of Genomic Medicine. J. Am Pharm Assoc. 2012;e113-e121.
  15. Kuo GM, Lee KC, Ma JD. Implementation and outcomes of a live continuing education program on pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics. 2013;14(8):885-95.
  16. Ma JD, Lee KC, Kuo GM. A massive open online course on pharmacogenomics: not just disruptive innovation but a possible solution. Pharmacogenomics. 2013;14(10):1125-7
  17. Huynh T, Backes AC, Lee KC, Ma JD, Kuo GM. Pharmacogenomics: advancing evidence-based personalized medicine. In: Handbook of Personalized Medicine: Advances in Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery, and Therapy. Vizirianakis I, Eds. 1st Edition, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore. 2014; 845-892.
  18. Lee KC, Hudmon KS, Ma JD, Kuo GM. Evaluation of a shared pharmacogenomics curriculum for pharmacy students. Pharmacogenomics. 2015;16(4):315-22.
  19. Johnson JA, Ellingrod, VL, Kroetz DL, Kuo GM. (Editors). Pharmacogenomics: Applications to Patient Care, 3rd Edition. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2015.
  20. Lee KC, Ma JD, Kuo GM. Concepts in pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. In: Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics. Feng X and Xie H, Eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2016; 1-32.

Recommendations for Drug Dosing

Links to Pharmacogenomics Resources and Training Programs

Links to Other Genomic Websites